Flight Controller
The "brain" of everything
A flight controller (a.k.a FC) is the brain of the aircraft. It is basically a circuit board that has built-in sensors that detects orientation changes. It also receives user commands, and controls the motors in order to keep the quadcopter in the air.
Nearly all flight controllers have basic sensors such as Gyro (Gyroscopes) and Acc (Accelerometer). Some FC might include more advanced sensors such as Barometer (barometric pressure sensors) and magnetometer (compass).
Flight controller is also a hub for many other peripherals, such as GPS, LED, Sonar sensor etc.
Naze 32

The Naze32 is a small (36x36mm) flight controller based on 32-bit STM32 processor running at 72MHz. Comparing to other popular FC such as the KK2, APM2, and Crius AIO, which are all based on 8-bit platform running at 16Mhz.This board comes with two flavors, Acro Naze32 (FunFly) and Full Naze32.We are usin the ACRO version also called 6dof
Although the Naze32 uses ported version of Multiwii, it’s not exactly a Multiwii flight controller, because it uses different type of processor (STM based). Normally, multiwii FC for example the Arduino, or Crius AIO FC are Atmel based.

This FC is getting more and more popular with mini size multicopter, due to it’s excellent performance and small size.
If you have already used Naze32 before, you probably have installed the driver. But if you are new, or you are using a new computer that never has connected a Naze32 before, you will have to install the Driver first. Otherwise your board is not recognised and it won’t be assigned a COM port.
Typical Naze32 Connection diagram

The diagram below shows a fairly common setup on a FPV racing quadcopter using a CPPM receiver, optional GPS module, and an RGB LED bar.
This is the FLIGHT CONTROLLER we recommend for your multicopter.It is really stable with a reasonable price.It offers gyroscope and acelerometer.You can connect lot of accesories like barometer, magnetometer, gps and even LED! You can find lot of information about it as is a really popular flight controller.