3D Printing

Replacable parts.
Configure the shape on your needs.

Modular Design

Change the total shape on your needs
From beginner to pro

Cnc Milling

Unbreakable arms
Keep alwasy flying even if you crash.

Open Source

Change the design of your quadcopter


Theory, how the fly, types, assembly, fixing, configuration and flying.
Get the parts and start making!.

What is a drone.

Let's speak correctly. What is a multicopter and what is a drone.

What types of drone

Different shapes,forms,why are they some many types

How it works

How does these magic machines fly? A little of flying theory.

Remote controller.

Types, how we control the machine and how to use them


The power plant for flying.Types, how to choose and characteristics

Flight controller

The brain of the quadcopter.How to connect,types,etc.

Frame assembly

You got the parts, now it is time to put everything together

Electronic Assembly

Assemble the core of our multirotor


Setup, tunning of the software of our flight controller main board


Before flying you have to calibrate your machine.


Now it is almost done,let's check and start flying our machines

Parts list

B.O.M. (Bill of materials)for making this awesome machine