Remote Controller


Drones can’t just fly themselves. Well, actually, they can. But the whole point of flying your drone is actually flying it! Controlling a drone can happen in a number of ways. First and foremost, you must understand how flight controls work.

Most drones come with an RC transmitter. RC controls are very basic and typically only offer directional control. RC transmitters provide control of your drone for a much greater distance than a Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connection.

Most drones will come with an RC transmitter designed specifically for them, although RC transmitters can be interchangeable, so you can use a third party RC transmitter if you want. If you are going to use a third-party RC transmitter, make sure you verify that it is compatible with your drone or the matching receiver can be installed in your drone.

Different "driving" modes

You'll see from the above 4 modes but few people fly anything other than Mode 1 or 2. There are also modes 5-8 where the elevator is reversed so the model goes up when you push the stick forward (yes, I have come across somebody who flew this way, he had no help when he started out and it made sense to him)

There is no right or wrong way to learn, the percentages of people flying on each mode varies in the UK and USA it is mainly mode 2, Europe and Australia mode 1.Most people the world over fly mode 1 or 2, so which should you chose?

The technical answer is that for aircraft mode 1 is considered better as it separates the two main controls (aileron and elevator), which helps when flying precision aerobatics, also helps turning in racing multirotors as you mainly rotate with the rudder aka yaw, but there are many top competitive aerobatic pilots flying mode 2.

Mode 2 is considered easier to learn as you predominately use your right hand and most people are naturally right handed

Transmission Coding

All the transmissions between the remote and the receiver come in a "coded" frecuency the normal outputs for Radiocontrol frecuencies are CPPM / PPM sum signal, S-BUS or Spektrum Satellite. They are mainly propietary brand modulations, so if you get a Spektrum you can only use spektrum products or modulation compatible one.

Most people are using 2.4GHz technology, but we can still encounter some “old” 35MHz and 72MHz systems. We carefull wich one you buy the first time! Some are more expensives have more options than others.


This is the remote we recommend for your multicopter.It offers very good range and six channels so you can activate different features. It is small and not to complicated and even uses normal AA batteries!